Spring Migration at Prairie Lakes

posted on Thursday, May 3, 2018

Loons and other birds in migration visiting Prairie Lakes in Cedar Falls | Cedar Falls Tourism

Photo taken by Tom Schilke of the Prairie Rapids Audubon Society

Spring migration is well underway at Prairie Lakes. There have been as many as five or more Common Loons seen on the lakes and 25 species of ducks, geese and swans. Some of these birds are headed as far north as Canada, Alaska and the Arctic Circle while others will remain here locally to breed in the summer and then return to their winter home in the fall. Some will remain with us through the winter. 

Prairie Lakes currently has 229 different bird species which have been documented on the international database eBird . Visit eBird to see what is now being observed or to determine which species can be seen at various months of the year. eBird can also provide the same type of information for other popular birding locations in the area such as George Wyth State Park, Hartman Reserve, Greenbelt Lake, and Big Woods Lake by going to Explore Hotspots on their site. 

The local Prairie Rapids Audubon Society (PRAS) provides binoculars which are available for your use at the Cedar Falls Visitor Center. There are also some simple guides to help with identification. Another excellent source to help with identification is the All About Birds website from Cornell University. PRAS also provides a monthly newsletter with group birding opportunities and presentations related to learning about nature. The newsletter can be found at the Prairie Rapids Audubon Society website.  

Borrow some binoculars, take the guide with you and sit outside on a comfortable bench and watch the birds at the feeders or take a stroll on the bike paths.

Enjoy the spring migration. The month of May is exciting for watching birds and anyone can become a bird watcher! 

For more information about Things to Do, Places to Eat & Drink and Places to Stay while you're in Cedar Falls. You're welcome to contact the Cedar Falls Visitor Center. We're located at 6510 Hudson Road and we can be reached at 800-845-1955. We're open seven days a week.

We'd be happy to help!

Photo taken by Tom Schilke of the Prairie Rapids Audubon Society

Spring bird migration at Prairie Lakes in Cedar Falls | Cedar Falls Tourism Bureau 

  1. bird watching
  2. birding
  3. outdoor rec
  4. prairie lakes
  5. prairie lakes
  6. spring
  7. things to see

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