Trip Planner
Planning your trip to Cedar Falls is easy! We’ve assembled a few travel tools to help you plan a trip for work, a family outing or a weekend getaway.
Need some travel inspiration? Skim through our sample itineraries or plan your own itinerary to Cedar Falls using the Travel Pack. We’ve also categorized our attractions, events, hotels and restaurants into Neighborhoods to help you get to know Cedar Falls. Other tools include Maps and our Visitors Guide. We even have a handy link to find out the average price of gasoline in every state.
The most handy tool may be our Travel Pack. Be sure to look below to find out how our website can help you build your own itineraries and plan your next business meeting or family reunion.
Gas Prices
AAA has a handy link to help you find the average price for regular unleaded gasoline by state as well as the national average.
Travel Pack 
As you peruse our website and find a restaurant, event, hotel or attraction you’d like to visit, create a customized itinerary by clicking Add to Travel Pack at the bottom of its description. When you’re ready to “check out,” click on the suitcase at the top of the web page and edit, print or email your list.
Ideas for Using the Travel Pack
- Planning a family reunion or meeting and need to contact a few hotels for rates? Add hotels to your Travel Pack, print your list and use it as your worksheet for making phone calls
- Need some ideas for a girlfriend getaway or a family vacation? Choose one of our itineraries under Tools for Travel for inspiration and then create your own itinerary of restaurants, attractions, events and places to stay
- Attending a sporting event or visiting our trail system with friends and family? Use the Travel Pack to create a custom listing of restaurants and places to stay and then email it to your friends and family for feedback
Be sure to email or print your Travel Pack before leaving our website!