Resources Along the Cedar Valley Trails

posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Family Biking | Cedar Falls Visitor Center | Cedar Falls, Iowa

No matter how you connect with the Cedar Valley Trails, whether for hiking, biking or commuting, we have resources to help you along your way.

The Cedar Valley Trails is a series of small and large loops, each with their own mileage. So, it’s easy to calculate your miles for a lunchtime stroll, an after-work workout or a weekend bike ride. Stop by our visitor center on Hudson Road and pick up a trail guide (it also includes a map of our water trails).

Prairie Pathways Sign | Cedar Valley Trails | Cedar Falls, Iowa

These might look familiar. Our trail system is dotted with over 70 Prairie Pathways Signs to help you get to know Cedar Falls with historic photos and information.  

Bike Repair Station | Pfeiffer Park | Cedar Falls, Iowa

Have you seen the public bike repair stations? We now have 4 bike repair stations located throughout the city and they’re conveniently located adjacent the trail as well as parking lots. They’re located at the Cedar Falls Public Library, Prairie Lakes, Gateway Park, and Pfeiffer Park. We also have a public water fountain and pet waterer located in Washington Park, Lookout Park, and Pfeiffer Park.

Fitness Zone | Prairie Lakes | Cedar Falls, Iowa

You may have seen one of these on the trail adjacent Blain’s Farm & Fleet. Fitness Zones are located at this location and on the Prairie Lakes Loop. They make your hike or bike ride a full workout by offering you a place to do pull-ups, steps, and other exercises.

Trail Patrol | Cedar Valley Trails | Cedar Falls, Iowa

For the safety of others and for your own safety, be aware of your surroundings and always follow the rules of the trail. If an accident should occur, emergency signage is posted along the trail so that emergency services can be directed to your location. Members of our Trail Patrol are also on the trails. They are trail ambassadors, providing location information and basic mechanical and first aid assistance to riders and hikers. 

Emergency Trail Marker | Cedar Valley Trails | Cedar Falls, Iowa

Need more information? Here are a few local resources:

Cedar Trails Partnership, Cedar Valley Trails 

Bike Tech

Europa Cycle & Ski

The Runner’s Flat

Cedar Falls Visitor Center

  1. bike repair
  2. biking
  3. cedar valley trails
  4. family
  5. resources
  6. things to do
  7. things to tell a friend
  8. trail patrol

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